Using jtsgen

The jtsgen annotation processor registers itself using the ServiceLoader protocol. Therefore when the processor is available on the compile or annotation class path it should be automatically invoked when compiling the annotated Java classes. Any Java class, interface or enum with the annotation @TypeScript will be converted, e.g.:

public interface InterFaceSample {
    int getSomeInt();
    String getSomeString();

When compiling this class a complete ES module including a valid package.json is generated in the source output folder for a later deployment into a npm compatible repository.

Hint: Don’t use the jtsgen-processor as a compile time or runtime dependency. Either get you build system to use the javac annotation class path or excluding it from the transitive dependencies, e.g. using compileOnly in Gradle or optional in Maven.

The generated sources are currently beneath the java source output folder. The output can be redirected using the regular -s option of javac.

Processing Parameters

The tsgen annotation processor supports with the following parameters:

  • jtsgenLogLevel: enable additional logging. Use ine of the following j.u.Logging levels: OFF , SEVERE , WARNING , INFO , CONFIG , FINE , FINER , FINEST , ALL
  • jtsgenModuleName: the name of the module, that should be exported
  • jtsgenModuleVersion: the version number of the module
  • jtsgenModuleDescription: the description of the module
  • jtsgenModuleAuthor: the module author
  • jtsgenModuleLicense: the npm license string of the module
  • jtsgenModuleAuthorUr: the URL of the author

To use one of them, use the javac prefix -A, e.g.

javac -AjtsgenLogLevel=FINEST

All these settings do override everything set via an annotation, e.g. TSModule.