Using in Gradle projects

Adding the following snippet to your gradle (sub-) project, the annotation processor should run at automatically at compile time. Since 0.3.0 tsgen has been distributed on maven central, so no other repository has to be defined.

The used version should be held in a variable like the following

buildscript {
    ext {
      jtsgen_Version=" 0.4.0"

The brave ones could also try a development version, e.g. 0.4.0-SNAPSHOT. So the dependencies to jtsgen could be defined like the following. This should extract the TypeScript output to the gradle build dir automatically:

dependencies {
    compileOnly "com.github.dzuvic:jtsgen-annotations:${jtsgen_Version}"
    compileOnly "com.github.dzuvic:jtsgen-processor:${jtsgen_Version}"

Since Gradle 4.6 there is also a special dependency, if the compiler doesn’t catch the processor automatically. So for Gradle 4.6+ it should look like this, by using the new dependency annotationProcessor :

dependencies {
    compileOnly "com.github.dzuvic:jtsgen-annotations:${jtsgen_Version}"
    compileOnly "com.github.dzuvic:jtsgen-processor:${jtsgen_Version}"
    annotationProcessor "com.github.dzuvic:jtsgen-processor:${jtsgen_Version}"

Please refer to the official Gradle Documentation around this subject.

Customizing the output dir

The output is customized by adding the source directory to the annotation processor:

def tsOutDir="${buildDir}/ts"

compileJava {
    options.compilerArgs = [ "-s", tsOutDir ]

Generating Types for Kotlin classes

If your project contains Kotlin classes that should be converted to Kotlin, you could try the kapt compiler plugin.

For example:

apply plugin: 'kotlin-kapt'

dependencies {

  compileOnly "com.github.dzuvic:jtsgen-annotations:${jtsgen_Version}"
  compileOnly "com.github.dzuvic:jtsgen-processor:${jtsgen_Version}"

  kapt "com.github.dzuvic:jtsgen-processor:${jtsgen_Version}"

kapt {
  correctErrorTypes = true
  arguments {
      arg("jtsgenModuleVersion", version)